
best maxillofacial and dental Clinic in Ambur

Having 15+ years of experience, we can get trust among the people by providing world-class surgery.  We are dedicated to providing patients from around the world with medical answers for even the most complex circumstances.

We work very hard to inform and help our patients understand their current health, treatment options, and the improvements they can get from having these treatments.

Vallalar Face and Dental Clinic is the only maxillofacial centre in Ambur. With all the therapies we offer, patients can replace their missing smile and enjoy the foods they love.

15+ Years Of Experience

With over 17 years of experience, I have developed a strong foundation in Dental care.


Our team of expert doctors is dedicated to providing the highest quality of medical care.

15+ Years Of Experience

With over 17 years of experience, I have developed a strong foundation in Dental care


Our team of expert doctors is dedicated to providing the highest quality of medical care.

Explore Our Caring & Premium Medical Services

We are committed to providing the highest quality of medical care in a caring and compassionate environment.

We at Vallar Face and Dental clinic provide the best treatment for dental filling, scaling, extraction in Ambur.

Our cosmetic treatment services are designed to help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted.

Our facial treatment services are specially designed to enhance the health and beauty of your skin.

Exceptional care with exceptional technology

We are committed to providing the highest quality of medical care in a caring and compassionate environment.

+91 94870 53417

Reasons You Need To Choose Us

A welcoming atmosphere, a pleasant and energetic team of young dentists, and dental care that is given with a little extra tenderness. The entire dentist is committed to not only improving the patient's dental and oral health but also putting an emphasis on patient education and preventive care.

Clinic Working Hours

Mon – Sat -

Sunday -

9:00 AM - 9:00 PM


Using advanced technology, we can give you the smile you've always wanted.

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30 Years


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