Preventive Fluorides

Fluoride absorption into tooth enamel makes the tooth more resistant to acid demineralization and subsequent tooth decay. Our teeth are made up of a substance called hydroxyapatite, which is prone to erosion when exposed to acids and other substances. When hydroxyapatite is exposed to fluoride, it transforms into fluorohydroxyapatite, a strong substance. Fluoride can be topically applied to the teeth in the dental office with fluoride varnish or gel.

Pit & Fissure Sealant

Pit and fissures are deep grooves present on the biting surfaces of the premolar and molar teeth. Pit & fissure sealants are dental sealants intended to prevent tooth decay.

Kids Root Canal Procedure & Crown

A root canal treatment involves removing the tooth’s damaged pulp and replacing it with a filling material (pulpectomy). The tooth can be capped with metal or tooth coloured crown.

Clinic Working Hours

Mon – Sat -

Sunday -

9:00 AM - 9:00 PM


Book An Appointment

Book a visit to Vallalar Face and Dental clinic, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you back regarding the intervention you require.

    Conscious Sedation

    Sedation is a means of achieving a relaxed, easy, and peaceful condition by administering sedatives. People who are anxious or terrified during complex procedures like fillings, root canals, or basic professional cleaning may benefit from conscious sedation. Conscious sedation dentistry, also known as procedural sedation or analgesia, is a process that involves the administration of sedatives before dental surgery to assist you to relax. During your dental treatment, you will remain alert and responsive, and you will not experience any discomfort.