Hair Transplantation

In Vallalar Face and Dental Clinic, we provide the best treatment for Aesthetic surgery like botox Injection, Dermal Fillers, Hair transplantation, PRP, Scalp, Thread lift, and Skin lightening in Ambur. 

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are removed from one region of the body/back of the head (donor site) and transplanted to a bald part of the head or beard (recipient site). Male pattern baldness is the most common condition treated with this approach. A hair restoration surgeon performs the process with the assistance of many technicians. One of the most well-known hair loss therapies is transplantation.

Prp/gfc For Hair Loss

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), Growth Factor Concentrate is a treatment that doctors employ to help patients heal faster in a variety of ways. It may aid in the restoration of hair growth in cases when hair loss is caused by androgenic alopecia, a common disorder in which hair follicles shrink. It’s a non-surgical medical procedure that involves injecting concentrated plasma rich in growth factors and nutrients extracted from your blood into areas of your scalp where hair growth is needed. It is both safe and efficient to reverse hair loss and activate hair growth.

Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp micro pigmentation is a non-surgical, superficial cosmetic technique that creates the appearance of a close buzz cut on a bald head or adds density to a thinning crown. This surgery can also be used to camouflage scars from hair transplantation and the aesthetic impact of scars on the head caused by burns.

Clinic Working Hours

Mon – Sat -

Sunday -

9:00 AM - 9:00 PM


Book An Appointment

Book a visit to Vallalar Face and Dental clinic, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you back regarding the intervention you require.